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Inside this Book

If you make use of this material, you may credit the authors as follows:

Mitroff Ian I. and Kilmann Ralph H., "The Psychodynamics of Enlightened Leadership", Springer Nature, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-71764-3, License:

This open access book provides a comprehensive look at the pluses and minuses of leadership in times of an unparalleled crisis, such as the COVID-19 global pandemic. It examines the COVID-19 crisis in terms of psychodynamics, crisis management, and especially from the standpoint of complex, messy systems. It analyses how leaders need to think and act differently to cope better with—and potentially prevent—future crises.


Business Strategy/leadership, Industrial And Organizational Psychology, Industries, Business Strategy And Leadership, Organizational Psychology, Open Access, Enlightened Versus Malignant Leadership, Paranoid-schizoid Position And Covid-19, Predatory Capitalism, Proactive Crisis Management And Covid-19, Wicked Messes And Covid-19, Muddled Ethics Of The Coronavirus, Inquiry Systems As Coping Mechanisms, Jungian Analysis Of Covid-19, Meta-heuristics For Coping With Messes, Business Strategy, Occupational & Industrial Psychology, Industry & Industrial Studies

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