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Inside this Book

If you make use of this material, you may credit the authors as follows:

Lange Bastian et al. (Editors), "Post-Growth Geographies", transcript Verlag, 2021, DOI: 10.14361/9783839457337, License:

Post-Growth Geographies examines the spatial relations of diverse and alternative economies between growth-oriented institutions and multiple socio-ecological crises. The book brings together conceptual and empirical contributions from geography and its neighbouring disciplines and offers different perspectives on the possibilities, demands and critiques of post-growth transformation. Through case studies and interviews, the contributions combine voices from activism, civil society, planning and politics with current theoretical debates on socio-ecological transformation.


Degrowth, Post-growth, Transformation, Post-growth Economy, Post-growth Planning, Sustainability Transition, Sufficiency, Economy, Space, City, Social Geography, Urban Planning, Economic Sociology, Geography

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