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Environmental Valuation with Discrete Choice Experiments
Inside this Book

If you make use of this material, you may credit the authors as follows:

Mariel Petr et al., "Environmental Valuation with Discrete Choice Experiments", Springer Nature, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-62669-3, License:

This open access book offers up-to-date advice and practical guidance on how to undertake a discrete choice experiment as a tool for environmental valuation. It discusses crucial issues in designing, implementing and analysing choice experiments. Compiled by leading experts in the field, the book promotes discrete choice analysis in environmental valuation through a more solid scientific basis for research practice. Instead of providing strict guidelines, the book helps readers avoid common mistakes often found in applied work. It is based on the collective reflections of the scientific network of researchers using discrete choice modelling in the field of environmental valuation (


Environmental Economics, Environmental Policy, Economic Theory/quantitative Economics/mathematical Methods, Quantitative Economics, Discrete Choice Experiment, Stated Preference Method, Environmental Valuation, Survey And Questionnaire Design, Discrete Choice Modelling, Open Access, Central / National / Federal Government Policies, Economic Theory & Philosophy

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