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Inside this Book

If you make use of this material, you may credit the authors as follows:
Bisello Adriano et al. (Editors), "Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions", Springer Nature, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-57764-3, License:
This open access book offers a selection of research papers and case studies presented at the 3rd international conference “Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions”, held in December 2019 in Bolzano, Italy, and explores the concept of smart and sustainable planning, including top contributions from academics, policy makers, consultants and other professionals. Innovation processes such as co-design and co-creation help establish collaborations that engage with stakeholders in a trustworthy and transparent environment while answering the need for new value propositions. The importance of an integrated, holistic approach is widely recognized to break down silos in local government, in particular, when aimed at achieving a better integration of climate-energy planning. Despite the ongoing urbanization and polarization processes, new synergies between urban and rural areas emerge, linking development opportunities to intrinsic cultural, natural and man-made landscape values. The increasing availability of big, real-time urban data and advanced ICT facilitates frequent assessment and continuous monitoring of performances, while allowing fine-tuning as needed. This is valid not only for individual projects but also on a wider scale. In addition, and circling back to the first point, (big) urban data and ICT can be of enormous help in facilitating engagement and co-creation by raising awareness and by providing insight into the local consequences of specific plans. However, this potential is not yet fully exploited in standard processes and procedures, which can therefore lack the agility and flexibility to keep up with the pulse of the city and dynamics of society. The book provides a multi-disciplinary outlook based on experience to orient the reader in the giant galaxy of smart and sustainable planning, support the transposition of research into practice, scale up visionary approaches and design groundbreaking planning policies and tools.
Urban Geography / Urbanism (inc. Megacities, Cities, Towns), Environmental Policy, Sociology, General, Regional/spatial Science, Urban Geography And Urbanism, Environmental Social Sciences, Regional And Spatial Economics, Environmental Protection, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Urban Big Data, Smart Cities, Mobility, Urban Ecosystem Services, Climate Change, Sspcr, Open Access, Urban & Municipal Planning, Central / National / Federal Government Policies, Sociology, Political Economy, Regional Studies
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