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Spilling Open: The Art of Becoming Yourself

Sabrina Ward Harrison

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I am afraid to show you who I really am, because if I show you who I really am, you might not like it--and that's all I got.”

“I have learned that trying again is important and decisivness is good. I have learned that silence hurts. I have learned about starting over and releasing pride.”

“We are all carrying so many things in our life and inside ourselves. Often it feels there is no place to put them down. Where do you place the questions you carry”

“Belong to yourself.”

“TRYING TO FILL THE empty SPACE i don't know if I will ever understand this Ache. Perhaps it is simpley and completely Love and what HAPPENS. at the end. Loss November 17, early morning”

“The truth is WE ALL ACHE. WE ALL HAVE GROWING PAINS and wonder if WE ARE OKAY adn enough + loved. THE THING IS - WE ARE. REALLY. WITHOUT the silver shoes and lepord print sheet. WE ARE ENOUGH WITHOUT all the things we buy to make us much more than we are or need to be we are simple and complex and rare as is.”

“I have learned that frustration is allowed and talking it through is necessary.”

“I feel quite lost INSIDE myself, like I'm looking for my train tracks for my life, as if they would just appear and solve the growing questions I seem to face (my reflection in the morning).”

“I have learned that trust comes and goes and love comes before hate. Elise age 10.”

“Who do you let in?”

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Book Keywords:

life, people, truth

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