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A Certain Slant of Light

Laura Whitcomb

Top 10 Best Quotes

“The library smells like old books — a thousand leather doorways into other worlds. I hear silence, like the mind of God. I feel a presence in the empty chair beside me. The librarian watches me suspiciously. But the library is a sacred place, and I sit with the patron saint of readers. Pulsing goddess light moves through me for one moment like a glimpse of eternity instantly forgotten. She is gone. I smell mold, I hear the clock ticking, I see an empty chair. Ask me now and I'll say this is just a place where you can't play music or eat. She's gone. The library sucks.”

“I couldn't take my eyes off him. Like a desert wanderer afraid of mirages, I gazed at my oasis, but he was real.”

“To desperately hope," I whispered James let out a breath. "To gratefully believe.”

“Someone was looking at me, a disturbing sensation if you're dead.”

“That I am your heart's secret fills me with song. I wish I could sing of you here in my cage. You are my heart's hidden poem. I reread you, memorize you every moment we're apart.”

“He kissed me for a long moment, holding my shoulders, perhaps to keep me from pressing my whole body against his. Then he tried to lift my bag. "My God," he said. "What happened?" "I found out one may check out twenty books at a time from the school library.”

“Your mind will never lose anything forever that's worth keeping.”

“Just walk up to your hell & give it a push. Run through it & i'll be waiting on the other side.”

“i would court you with passion, if things were different. you'd never get me off your porch swing. ”

“Like a glimpse of eternity instantly forgotten. She is gone.”

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Book Keywords:

laura-whitcomb, humor, library, reading, kiss, love, longing, inspirational, books

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