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Nayyirah Waheed

Top 10 Best Quotes

“i don't pay attention to the world ending. it has ended for me many times and began again in the morning.”

“no' might make them angry but it will make you free. - if no one has ever told you, your freedom is more important than their anger.”

“listen to my poems but do not look for me look for you.”

“there is no healthier drug than creativity.”

“can we speak in flowers. it will be easier for me to understand.”

“go. enjoy. leave. it was all about you, anyway.”

“you. not wanting me. was the beginning of me wanting myself. thank you. -the hurt”

“poetry. is the fire leaving my body.”

“the worst thing that ever happened to the world was the white man coming across gun powder.–– the end of the world | the beginning of white supremacy”

“The thing you are most afraid to write Write that.”

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Book Keywords:

white-supremacy, racism, creativity, poetry

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