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We Are Water

Wally Lamb

Top 10 Best Quotes

“We are like water, aren’t we? We can be fluid, flexible when we have to be. But strong and destructive, too.” And something else, I think to myself. Like water, we mostly follow the path of least resistance.”

“Maybe that's what love is. Having someone who guides you through different experiences, coaxes you to try news things but still makes you feel safe.”

“One thing I’ve learned in my program is that guilt is a wasted emotion, you know? Look back on the past but don’t stare.”

“a life we didn't choose, chose us”

“A life I didn't choose chose me.”

“So maybe that’s what love means. Having the capacity to forgive the one who wronged you, no matter how deep the hurt was.”

“comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable:”

“Il destino mischia le carte, ma siamo noi a giocare la partita. Destiny shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who must play the game.”

“The “what-ifs”: they’ll do a number on you.”

“That’s often the case, of course—that creation and madness begin to dance with each other.”

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Book Keywords:

strong, new-love, suffering, resistance, love, forgiveness, flexible, path, pain, human-nature, adversity, life, relationships, self-awareness, choice, inspirational, growth, willful, destructive

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