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The Last Time We Say Goodbye

Cynthia Hand

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Time passes. That's the rule. No matter what happens, no matter how much it might feel like everything in your life has been frozen around one particular moment, time marches on.”

“Forgiveness is tricky, Alexis, because in the end it’s more about you than it’s about the person who’s being forgiven”

“Brave isn't something you are. It's something you do.”

“There's death all around us. Everywhere we look. 1.8 people kill themselves every second. We just don't pay attention. Until we do.”

“Everything changes. That's the only constant.”

“This is going to sound trite, I suppose, but you never know when it’s going to be the last time. That you hug someone. That you kiss. That you say goodbye.”

“It’s such a cliché, the whole ‘time heals all wounds’ thing, but it’s true. Clichés are clichés for a reason,”

“I'm messed up. I go through phases where I think everything's going to be okay and the sky is blue and stuff and I can feel the sun and the air going in and out of my lungs and I think, life is good. But then every time, I also know deep down that the darkness is coming. And it's going to keep coming. And when I'm in the darkness I'm going to screw up everything.”

“It's funny how sometimes you don't see the obvious things coming. You think you know what life has in store for you. You think you're prepared. You think you can handle it. And then-boom, like a thunderclap-something comes at you out of nowhere and catches you off guard.”

“All the best things are like that, though, Lex, the most beautiful things. Part of the beauty comes from the fact that they’re short-lived.”

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