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Who Is This Man?: The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus
John Ortberg
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Leadership is the art of disappointing people at a rate they can stand.”
“It is in Jesus’ name that desperate people pray, grateful people worship, and angry people swear. From christenings to weddings to sickrooms to funerals, it is in Jesus’ name that people are hatched, matched, patched, and dispatched.”
“The child in Bethlehem would grow up to be a friend of sinners, not a friend of Rome. He would spend his life with the ordinary and the unimpressive. He would pay deep attention to lepers and cripples, to the blind and the beggar, to prostitutes and fishermen, to women and children. He would announce the availability of a kingdom different from Herod’s, a kingdom where blessing—of full value and worth with God—was now conferred on the poor in spirit and the meek and the persecuted.”
“One of the most impressive aspects of Jesus is how he was impressed by unimpressive people.”
“Christianity is like a nail," he (Yemelian Yaroslavsky). "The harder you strike it, the deeper it goes.”
“Wolterstorff gives an amazing answer: the teaching of the Scriptures, clarified and made available to all the world through Jesus, that every human being is made in the image of God, and loved by God. There”
“Where the faith has too much money and too much power for too long it begins to spoil,”
“What is it that made it possible for science to emerge in the human race?” His answer was fascinating: “It’s the medieval insistence on the rationality of God.” Because if you believe creation was made by a rational God, it will lead to fundamentally different assumptions than if you started with the idea that it’s just a random accident. This”
“Two great questions are often posed about worthwhile living: Who has the good life? and Who is a good person? The first question gets addressed in ads, the second at funerals. Two”
“This is a beautiful vision that everyone should learn: that ignorance is the devil’s tool, that God is the God of truth. George”
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Book Keywords:
suffering, expectation-s, leadership, disappointment