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The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: Guidance on the Path to Mindfulness from a Spiritual Leader
Haemin Sunim
Top 10 Best Quotes
“When people who don't know you well admire you, they are seeing their projected illusion, not your real self. In contrast, when people who know you well respect you, it is probably because you deserve it.”
“Being a critic is easy. But if the critic tries to run the operation, he soon understands that nothing is as easy as his criticisms. Criticism without a solution is merely an inflation of the critic's ego.”
“Life teaches us through our mistakes.”
“Be the kind of person who can put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand something not just from your own perspective but from theirs as well.”
“There are many more ordinary hours in life than extraordinary ones. We wait in line at the supermarket. We spend hours commuting to work. We water our plants and feed our pets. Happiness means finding a moment of joy in those ordinary hours.”
“It is a sign of great spiritual strength to keep someone else’s secret.”
“When I look deeply within myself, I realize what it is that I really want from others: attentive ears that listen to what I am saying, kind words that acknowledge my existence and worth, gentle eyes that accept my flaws and insecurities. I resolve to be that person for those around me.”
“Are you a controlling parent? Are you devoting too much attention to your child? If the answer is yes, then turn some of that attention toward your parents. If you are good to your own parents, then your child will learn how to treat you in the future.”
“Isn't it better to be happy together than to be right alone?”
“If you are desperately looking to meet someone special, send your prayer out to the universe. The universe is an amazing matchmaker.”
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Book Keywords:
respect, mindfulness, love, self-confidence, admiration, critics, constructive-criticism, criticism