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Lion of Macedon

David Gemmell

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Do not complain of life's unfairness. It is never fair - at best it is impartial.”

“Life is not so simple. There are many futures. The life of a single person is like a great tree: every branch, every twig, every leaf is a possible future.”

“Our souls are but leaves in a storm, and only the gods know where we will come to rest.”

“No man should ever completely realize his dreams. What else would there then be to live for?”

“You are a Chosen Man. You are Parmenion, the Death of Nations. A hundred thousand souls will you send to the dark river, screaming and wailing, lamenting their fate. It is right and just that you should know your choices.”

“Risks? I have lived with the prospect of assassination for years. What risks? All men die, rich and poor alike. But if I am to die, then let it be while I fight, not like some bullock in a pen waiting for the ax to fall.”

“I carry the seeds of your hatred,' he shouted, hurling his words to the winds, 'and I know where to plant them.' Yes, he thought, Thebes is the right destination for the Lion of Macedon.”

“Who do you think you are?' Asiron asked, with a dry humourless laugh. 'I'll tell you who I am,' answered Parmenion, the words of Tamis echoing in his mind. 'I am Parmenion, the Death of Nations.”

“grinned. ‘Xenophon taught me that victory is achieved by putting the thought of defeat into the heart of your enemy. To him goes the honour.”

“The world of the ancient Greeks was one of turmoil and war, intrigue and treachery. There was no Greek nation; the divided land was ruled by scores of city states which fought continually for domination. For centuries the great cities of Athens and Sparta battled across land and sea for the right to become the leaders of Greece. Thebes, Corinth, Orchomenus, Plataea – all changed sides time and again and Victory flew between the warring factions, always the harlot, moving on, sweet with a promise she would not keep.”

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Book Keywords:

fait, gods, happiness, prophecy, death, fate, risk, life, way-of-life, destiny, people, dreams, justice, fairness

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