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The Siren

Kiera Cass

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Books were a safe place, a world apart from my own. No matter what had happened that day, that year, there was always a story in which someone overcame their darkest hour. I wasn't alone.”

“There’s always room for love. Even if it’s as small as a crack in the door.”

“Love is a risk worth taking. I'd waited an eternity for this. I'd have waited all over again if I had to. I was meant to be kiss this boy, designed to be held by him. All the careful postures I held melted away, and I pulled him closer. We were stars. We were music. We were time.”

“Whatever happened, I'd met my person, the one my soul connected to.”

“It was like staring at a piece of art or the stars in the sky. I just had to watch him. -Kahlen, The Siren”

“Wanting to cry doesn't mean you can.”

“She told me to live. . . . I didn’t know how to tell Her that simply being alive was not enough to be called living.”

“She would want me to forget all about him. But how could eyes not notice the light? How could lungs not acknowledge the air? There are just some things you can't ignore.”

“Sometimes you have to give the hurt a noise and let it out. If you don’t, it fills you up with its emptiness.”

“Life was just a collection of small decisions”

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Book Keywords:

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