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The Enneads


Top 10 Best Quotes

“When we look outside of that on which we depend we ignore our unity; looking outward we see many faces; look inward and all is one head. If a man could but be turned about, he would see at once God and himself and the All.”

“It is in virtue of unity that beings are beings.”

“The soul in its nature loves God and longs to be at one with Him in the noble love of a daughter for a noble father; but coming to human birth and lured by the courtships of this sphere, she takes up with another love, a mortal, leaves her father and falls.”

“The purification of the Soul is simply to allow it to be alone; it is pure when it keeps no company.”

“Wherever it lies, under earth or over earth, the body will always rot. ”

“To make the existence and coherent structure of this Universe depend upon automatic activity and upon chance is against all good sense.”

“Before we had our becoming here, we existed There, men other than now; we were pure souls. Intelligence inbound with the entire of reality, not fenced off, integral to that All. [...] Then it was as if One voice sounded. One word was uttered and from every side an ear attended and received and there was an effective hearing; now we are become a dual thing, no longer that which we were at first, dormant, and in a sense no longer present.”

“Bad men rule by the feebleness of the ruled; and this is just; the triumph of weaklings would not be just.”

“The First, then, should be compared to light, the next [Spirit or Intellect] to the sun, and the third [soul] to the celestial body of the moon, which gets its light from the sun. (V-6-4)”

“The proof of the mightiest power is to be able to use the ignoble nobly, and given formlessness, to make it the material of unknown forms.”

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