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The Story of an African Farm
Olive Schreiner
Top 10 Best Quotes
“We have been so blinded by thinking and feeling that we have never seen the World.”
“And so, it comes to pass in time, that the earth ceases for us to be a weltering chaos. We walk in the great hall of life, looking up and round reverentially. Nothing is despicable - all is meaningful; nothing is small - all is part of a whole, whose beginning and end we know not. The life that throbs in us is a pulsation from it; too mighty for our comprehension, no too small. And so, it comes to pass at last, that whereas the sky was at first a small blue rag stretched out over us and so low that our hands might touch it, pressing down on us, it raises itself into an immeasurable blue arch over our heads, and we begin to live again.”
“[O]nly the sea is like a human being . . .always moving, always something deep in itself is stirring it. It never rests; it is always wanting, wanting, wanting. It hurries on; and then it creeps back slowly without having reached, moaning. It is always asking a question and it never gets the answer.”
“Experience teaches us in a millennium what passion teaches us in an hour.”
“When the curtain falls no one is ready”
“All things on earth have their price, and for truth we pay the dearest. We barter it for love and sympathy. The road to honour is paved with thorns; but on the path to truth, at every step you set your foot down on your heart.”
“Marriage for love is the beautifulest external symbol of the union of souls, marriage without it is the uncleanliest traffic that defiles the world.”
“I am not in so great a hurry to put my neck beneath any man's foot; and I do not so greatly admire the crying of babies”
“This dirty little world full of confusion, and the blue rag, stretched overhead for a sky, is so low we could touch it with our hand.”
“Men are like the earth and we are the moon; we turn always one side to them, and they think there is no other, because they don't see it—but there is.”
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Book Keywords:
sea, truth, marriage, price, women, cost, victorian