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Waiting for the Flood

Alexis Hall

Top 10 Best Quotes

“This is the story of my life: standing on the edges of things and worrying, when I'm supposed to just walk through them.”

“I have a sort of . . . thing, I suppose, for certain words. They spark inside me, somehow, turning me to touchpaper, but I don't know what they are until someone says them.”

“You don't really fall in love with a house. You fall in love with the life you could have in it.”

“Life is so full of rough edges - small tasks and expectations that scratch you bloody and remind you that you're naked and alone.”

“In daylight and up close, he was merciless, all smiles and freckles, the brightest, boldest flame a moth could wish for.”

“I knew it was nothing more than the vaguest sense of connection, the kite-string tug of an intriguing stranger. But I simply wasn't ready to feel these things again. To gather up the dust of my heart and scatter it again on the winds of hope.”

“I knew how to be a friend, a lover, a partner. I knew how to make someone feel cherished and seen and listened to -- everything I had myself always so desperately wanted and been afraid I might never have because I was so used to being overlooked.”

“It's something I imagine occasionally: waking up to discover civilisation has ended, leaving nothing but empty streets and silence. I don't actually want that to happen, but I ponder what I'd do, and how I'd stay alive. How it would feel to be really alone, and for my loneliness to be written on the landscape rather than merely upon me.”

“I'm not trying to upset you. I just think it's about time you moved on." "I have moved on." "Have you? Because it looks a lot like standing around to me.”

“Are we going somewhere?” “To the river.” “But why?” “To see what we can see.” “I really d-don’t think . . .” We were going to end up as newspaper headlines: Pensioner and Homosexual Found Dead in River—Coincidence, Tragedy, or Satanic Ritual Gone Wrong?”

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Book Keywords:

naked, daylight, words, loneliness, bloody, value, rough, overlooked, unseen, unheard, cherishing, fears, move-on, mother, freckles, merciless, life, invisibility, smiles, touchpaper, flame, self-esteem, alone, moving-on, moved-on, worry, worrying

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