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The Cheerleaders

Kara Thomas

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Everyone goes through shit, and there’s always someone somewhere who has it worse. It doesn’t make what you’re feeling any less real or any less shitty.”

“We think if we ask enough times, the answer will change.”

“But after a while, searching for the answers felt like grasping around in the dark. At some point, you have to choose to live in the light.”

“If you look hard enough, you’ll probably find something that makes you wish you hadn’t.”

“Pain isn’t supposed to teach you anything. It only exists to hurt you. And she should know that better than anyone.”

“Whatever was a door slamming in your face; it meant I am annoyed but I don’t care enough to fight with you. In a lot of ways it was”

“It shouldn't be this easy. Grief isn't supposed to be easy.”

“Pain isn't supposed to teach you anything. It only exists to hurt you.”

“At some time you have to choose to live in the light.”

“You can’t believe everything you hear, though. Girls are always whittling little weapons to stab each other with.”

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Book Keywords:

answers, living, grief

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