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Sleeping With Enormity: The Art Of Seducing Your Dreams & Living With Passion

Curtis Tyrone Jones

Top 10 Best Quotes

“When the artist leaves a painting on a wall with the full confidence that the mastery of his skill, soul and vision will draw others into its vortex long after he is gone, he is using the grip of seduction. When the musician’s performance, the manipulation of her instrument and the command of her talents are so raw and uninhibited that onlookers feel connected to the cosmos, bridged by the pure genius they are now experiencing, she is using the mystery of seduction. The unexplainable feeling fans get when the athlete ceases to be an athlete and rises to the level of the untouchable magician that can make anything happen, is nothing less than the power of seduction at work. The immense value of seduction is its ability to skillfully allure others into one’s world . . . .”

“Through persistence to a clear vision, the dreamer comes to understand that no matter how unlikely, taboo, or youthful these dreams may appear to be, the belly of the earth can and will still stretch with the conception of the new dream as sure as the belly of a woman can and will stretch with the conception of new life.”

“Sometimes changing the game is as simple as finding a few people who play by the same rules as you.”

“Sometimes people have no idea what drives you & the unlimited gears you’ve developed inside you, so they try to teach you how to steer.”

“Old lady failure died giving birth to twin giants named confidence & optimism, but her name lives on as the mother of success.”

“Focusing on the distance brings resistance but these steps of brevity feel heavenly & somehow still lead to a life of longevity.”

“Exercise your genius so often that you live in a perpetual state of runners high.”

“Brainstorm until your dreams roll in like thunder & your passion strikes with the love in your eyes.”

“Though the mature dreamer seems to whisper to himself repetitively of pursuing a dream that appears to be out of his league, in all actuality, these repetitive sweet nothings, whispered to the universe, will materialize into the jackhammer that will eventually penetrate the concrete reality of the earth and give birth to new worlds.”

“The sweet majesty of your cosmic rhythm, keeps the galaxy’s feet dancing to the beat of your transcendent individualism.”

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Book Keywords:

failure, success, self-development, dreams, life, determination, driving, reality, purpose, mind-power, free-spirt, self-help, law-of-attraction, cosmic, wisdom, journey-of-life, walking, dream-big, loving-life, optimism, be-yourself, positive-mindset, patience, seduction, dance, vision, friendship, running, partners, mental-strength, rhythm, persistence, imagination, motivation, teamwork, fail-forward, long-distance, longevity, thousand-miles, universe, individuality, self-love, confidence, lao-tzu, lightning, driving-force, art, magic, thunder, perseverance, mindset, being-unique, potential, power-of-the-mind, life-lessons, small-steps, exercise, passion, motivational, inspirational, winning, resistence, dreaming, genius, galaxy, power, working-together, driven

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