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A Wild Swan: And Other Tales
Michael Cunningham
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Most of us are safe. If you're not a delirious dream the gods are having, if your beauty doesn't trouble the constellations, nobody's going to cast a spell on you.”
“Most of us can be counted on to manage our own undoings.”
“He knows about damage the way a woman does. He knows, the way a woman knows, how to carry on as if nothing’s wrong.”
“Eventually, decades later, when the king was dying, the queen gently ushered everybody out into the corridor, closed the door to the royal bedchamber, and got into bed with her husband. She started singing to him. They laughed. He was short of breath, but he could still laugh. They asked each other, Is this silly? Is this...pretentious? But they both knew that everything there was to say had been said already, over and over, across the years. And so the king, relieved, released, free to be silly, asked her to sing him a song from his childhood. He didn't need to be regal anymore, he didn't need to seem commanding or dignified, not with her. They were, in their way, dying together, and they both knew it. It wasn't happening only to him. So she started singing. They shared one last laugh - they agreed that the cat had a better voice than she did. Still, she sang him out of the world.”
“The implication of this particular tale is: Trust strangers. Believe in magic.”
“End of story. ‘Happily ever after’ fell on everyone like a guillotine’s blade.”
“But magic is sometimes all about knowing where the secret door is, and how to open it. With that, you’re gone”
“It's the solitude that slays you. Maybe because you'd expected ruin to arrive in a grander and more romantic form.”
“There’s the appeal of the young thief who robs you, and climbs back down off your cloud. It’s possible to love that boy, in a wistful and hopeless way. It’s possible to love his greed and narcissism, to grant him that which is beyond your own capacities: heedlessness, cockiness, a self-devotion so pure it borders on the divine.”
“One of the reasons ordinary people are incapable of magic is simple dearth of conviction.”
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Book Keywords:
story, undoings, love, tale, death, narcissism, solitude, magic, damage, death-of-a-loved-one