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Den of Wolves
Juliet Marillier
Top 10 Best Quotes
“But then, if you forget what's bad, cruel, unjust, you might not care anymore about setting things to rights. You might stop standing up against the folk who do evil deeds. And someone's got to.”
“Hope fought hard to stay alive. Even when you thought it was beaten to nothing, burned to ashes, drowned deep, still it flickered away, waiting to be found again.”
“When you felt sad or angry or hopeless, a story could help. A story could lead you into a different world for a while.”
“I’ll go on any path you want. Might give you a push sometimes, keep you walking straight. But whatever happens, I’ll be right there beside you. Rain or shine. Shadows or light. Step for step. Always.”
“A story could lead you into a different world for a while. It might be a world where a foolish youngest son could turn into a brave and clever hero, or a beaten young woman could end up as a wise leader of folk. And when the story was ended and that world was gone, you still had the idea of it inside you. Like a flame that didn't go out even when the bad things rattled and swirled and screamed, and worse, oh, much worse, when they whispered and goaded and tormented.”
“The world’s full of strange things. Stuff that doesn’t make sense until you really think about it. Happenings like the ones in the old tales.”
“Power and wealth too often made folk lose their good judgement. It made them cruel and unthinking.”
“One woman can’t fix every wrong. One woman or one man can’t help every soul in trouble. Doesn’t matter how much you want to.”
“Nothing like hard work for driving away the shadows.”
“Not so easy. Give your heart to someone and you spend your life in fear of losing them. In terror of seeing them hurt.”
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Book Keywords:
fairy-tales, hopeful-heart, power-of-story, endurance, courage, stories, tales, hope