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Mending the Mind

Courtney Peppernell

Top 10 Best Quotes

“There are many things you should care about Like sick animals, dying trees, and saving the bees. What others think of you is not one of these things.”

“The past does not define you. There will be people who once knew you intimately, but they don’t know you now. They may remember a chapter that once spoke to them, but they don’t get to know the chapters that are coming. You get to write those.”

“It’s difficult to be the best version of yourself all the time. But perhaps life isn’t about that. You don’t have to always be in a good mood; you don’t have to always be sociable or productive. It’s about how much you try, even when it feels like life keeps flipping upside down.”

“There is beauty in the chaos of living”

“I know I overthink too much, like my mind is the sky and it explodes and rains stardust. I know I can be insecure, like I am always staring in the mirror and seeing another. But I will love you wholly. I will think of you often. I will make you feel like the sun, never ever forgotten. She said her favorite color was purple, and now I haven’t seen purple the same since. I see lavender and think of her, I see her bedroom walls and dream of her, I wear purple t-shirts to feel her around me, I write love letters in purple crayon, because she makes my heart wild and carefree. I know life doesn’t play out like the movies. But I want a happy ending with you.”

“Remember when you were little and your imagination ran free. The dragon under the stairs and the boiling lava between the sofas. At night, you were an astronaut jumping on your bed under glow-in-the-dark stars. By day, you were climbing mountains, running through jungles, and racing cars. Now you are a little older and you wonder if the imagination will disappear. But hold on to your dreams. Without imagination, the excitement of possibility is lost. There is so much wonder in dreaming. Hold on to your imagination.”

“My mind repeats all the mistakes I’ve made, like a bad movie reminding me of all the things that cause me so much doubt. There are things that go wrong in my life, like a roller coaster that twists and bends. People say that this is just how life goes. But too often I am wondering if maybe it’s just me. Too often I am thinking about how often my doubt shows.”

“Darling soul, some of life’s richest moments come from the ability to laugh at yourself. We make errors; we blunder in the things we do. But this will never give another person the right to humiliate you. There is no punch line in who you are. No joke that could ever be made at the expense of your life. If someone seeks to embarrass you, they are taking it too far.”

“Words look different on pages than in your mind. On pages, they sit quietly, waiting to be read. But inside your head, they're screaming, angry, hurting, bleeding red.”

“We fear losing friends. We fear losing a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, someone who knows our secrets. Someone who has seen us at our best and worst. We fear losing a friend whom we once relied on. More than that, we fear the reason they left. What if it was our fault?”

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Book Keywords:

love, losing-sl, moving-on-and-letting-go, laugh, heartbreak, poetry, depression, imaginations, doubt

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