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The Mood Book: Crystals, Oils, and Rituals to Elevate Your Spirit

Amy Leigh Mercree

Top 10 Best Quotes

“It’s more than a bath; it’s a transformative experience. You’re searching for buoyancy in the soul, and spring in your step.”

“The energetic charge that is strongest in your electromagnetic field, also known as your aura or light body, is constantly attracting more of itself.”

“Historically, rose petals were valued for their medicinal qualities than their aesthetic qualities. Rose has antidepressant properties.”

“You have the opportunity to rewrite patterns that are not aligned with the reality you choose to attract and create.”

“You are sovereign over your life. No one else. If your heart’s desires are not manifest, only you have the power to take action to change that.”

“Successful people have been conditioned to keep going and keep striving so they can finally be enough. But the truth is, we’re already enough regardless of what we do.”

“Joy is one of our most essential energetic nutrients.”

“Insecurity is being scared of your authentic self. It is the belief that your true, authentic self is not as magnificent as it actually is. Let go of that insecurity and do something totally gutsy and feel the relief in that.”

“If cliches about desirability are true, we must care for ourselves before expecting a feeling of worthiness to come from another person.”

“For serenity, it is best to use a combination of crystals in your environment and carry crystals with you.”

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Book Keywords:

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