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The Unending Game: A Former R&AW Chief’s Insights into Espionage

Vikram Sood

Top 10 Best Quotes

“What it means for the most of us is that after having missed the Industrial Revolution if India misses the technological and information revolution, we should expect to be confined to dust and heap.”

“The real goal of all intelligence agencies is to access denied information or that information which the opposition takes extra care to protect and conceal.”

“More information means less ignorance and a greater chance of rational and better decisions and not those based on illusions, hope, preconceived notions or perceptions. The danger from so much data—there is no definition of what is optimum—is that there are chances of overanalysis or falling into a conspiracy theory trap.”

“Complete intelligence is not always available in a perfect manner. Even incomplete intelligence, if assessed properly and promptly by experts and acted upon effectively, can make a difference”

“There are no victory parades, and no one would light a lamp for the unknown agents.”

“Since intelligence is a demand-driven activity, like a service industry, it makes sense that while it may not form policy, it nevertheless should be in close touch with policymakers and political leaders to provide policy inputs when required, or to reorient priorities so that the intelligence provided remains relevant.”

“Quite often, an individual act of commitment and courage makes the difference between war and peace or victory and defeat.”

“Oleg Kalugin, the KGB’s rising star in the First Directorate, claims in his book that a minister in Indira Gandhi’s cabinet offered to provide information to the KGB for $50,000. The KGB, however, felt there was no need to spend this money as they had enough intelligence from multiple well-placed sources. That minister, according to Kalugin, later became India’s prime minister.2”

“Often, intelligence officers on assignments abroad from different countries might get along with each other than with their own colleagues.”

“Intelligence is a team effort: within the organization, internally with other agencies and ministries, and externally with other countries’ organizations.”

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Book Keywords:

security, intelligence-agencies, clarity, india, data, national-security, policy-making, intelligence, war, courage, espionage, r-aw, information-technology, conspiracy, countries, team-efforts, courageous-acts, peace, inputs, intelligence-operations, officers, data-analysis, victory, intelligence-agents, relevance, industrial-revolution, information, sacrifice, south-asia, defeat, assignments

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