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Strive: Life is Short, Pursue What Matters
Tim Hiller
Top 10 Best Quotes
“We are what God calls us to be. Even if we're not what he's calling us to be, we are. Because he called us.”
“Humility is a peace that accepts one's strengths and limitations.”
“External actions are evidence of internal beliefs. Our deeds are what show our creeds.”
“All work is service. If you aren't serving in your work, you really aren't working.”
“We usually don't realize the thing that is defining our identity until that thing is taken away.”
“Have you considered that some of your greatest heartaches and hardships might actually be the best things that ever happened to you in the long run?”
“God has made you just the way you are to impact others right where he's placed you.”
“Without pain, how would we know what true joy feels like?”
“We are each on a journey that is not our own.”
“We all are striving for something every minute of the day, whether we realize it or not.”
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Book Keywords:
impact, best, desire, pain, work, hardships-perspective, impacting-lives, creeds, god-s-call, work-hard, pursuit, hardship, actions-over-words, god-s-will, service, defining, defining-yourself, deeds, peace, humility, beliefs, striving, hardship-overcome, god-s-plan, actions-speak-louder-than-words, strengths, faith, joy, serve-others, identity, true-joy, actions, identity-crisis