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Jeff VanderMeer

Top 10 Best Quotes

“We all just want to be people, and none of us know what that really means.”

“That's the problem with people who are not human. You can't tell how badly they're hurt, or how much they need your help, and until you ask, they don't always know how to tell you.”

“The real reality is something we create every moment of every day, that realities spin off from our decisions in every second we've alive.”

“We were always finding each other and losing each other and finding each other again, and that was just the way of us.”

“Like most men, Wick could not help terror about one thing erupting as anger about something else.”

“But minds find ways to protect themselves, build fortifications, and some of those walls become traps.”

“Am I a person or a weapon?" Always he wanted to know that he was a person. He just kept giving me different choices so one time I might slip up and say, "You're not a person." "You are a person. But like a person, you can be a weapon, too.”

“It was what my mother said sometimes-to be mindful that the universe beyond still existed, that we did not know what lived there, and it might be terrible to reconcile ourselves to knowing so little of it, but that didn't mean it stopped existing. There was something else beyond all of this, that would never know us or our struggles, never care, and that it would go on without us. My mother had found that idea comforting.”

“Once, it was different. Once, people had homes and parents and went to schools. Cities existed within countries and those countries had leaders. Travel could be for adventure or recreation, not survival. But by the time I was grown up, the wider context was a sick joke. Incredible, how a slip could become a freefall and a freefall could become a hell where we lived on as ghosts in a haunted world.”

“but this was always the test of our relationship. Were we symbiotic or parasitic?”

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