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Infected Connection

L. Ashley Straker

Top 10 Best Quotes

“The attack came without warning, in the pre-dawn stillness on the day they were due to leave. A series of solid concussions shook the walls and sent Simon scrambling from his bunk. Max thrust a handgun at him, which he immediately fumbled and dropped.”

“His desire for this to be a joke was quickly replaced by a desire for whiskey.”

“...while the stony bones of the world tore past and the air grew dark and howling. The last thing he saw as the gulley became a torrent of dust and rock was the Jeep, plucked backwards into space.”

“Simon stopped listening. He realised he'd had enough. Enough of the theories, enough of the mystery, enough of the bullshit. Enough of the soldiers and guns and MI5. Enough of bugs in phones and in people he cared about. Enough of not being cared about back. Enough of uncertainty and lies and civilisation, collapsing or not. Enough of is part in it, his place, his role; the character of Simon Parfitt and all the baggage it entailed.”

“Simon shook his head. 'I don't want to be a hero. I'd rather abandon the technology altogether, sit on a hill and speak to my neighbours by smoke-signal.”

“Max?' he asked. 'Yeah?' '...What are you doing?' 'Shooting people.”

“I'm psychologically equipped for this.”

“Who gave you a gun?' 'The army.' 'Why?' 'That's what the army does, Simon.”

“The unfortunate 8075 hadn't survived his assault, splintering apart, fragments of its casing skittering across the bench. The battery within had split along its plane, revealing something as out-of-place as a missile in a bathtub.”

“The military operation swiftly became one of disaster management and damage control, search and rescue.”

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Book Keywords:

paranoia, science-fiction, hero, humour, army, soldier, civilisation, jeep, war, out-of-place, apocalypse, thriller, action, end-of-the-world, dealing-with-it, guns, psychology, baggage, darkness, battles, soldiers, bugs, isolation, destruction, horror, shooting, technology, fed-up, weapons, spiders, fighting, coping, whiskey, military

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