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Don DeLillo

Top 10 Best Quotes

“That which we fear to touch is often the very fabric of our salvation. ”

“Some nights I need to be held. Tonight I'm a listener. So nice to lie in rumpled sheets and listen. Cover me with words.”

“There's always more to it. This is what history consists of. It is the sum total of the things they aren't telling us.”

“The less important you are in an office, the more they expect the happy smile.”

“A fact is innocent until someone wants it; then it become intelligence.”

“There is a world inside the world.”

“The truth of the world is exhausting.”

“Maybe what has to happen is that the individual must allow himself to be swept along, must find himself in the stream of no-choice, the single direction. This is what makes things inevitable. You use the restrictions and penalties they invent to make yourself stronger. History means to merge. The purpose of history is to climb out of your own skin.”

“That clean but lonely feeling when there are no other cars. The traffic lights changing just for you.”

“Something about the time of year depressed him deeply. Overcast skies and cutting wind, leaves falling, dusk falling, dark too soon, night flying down before you are ready. It's a terror. It's a bareness of the soul. He hears the rustle of nuns. Here comes winter in the bone. We've set it loose on the land. There must be some song or poem, some folk magic we can use to ease this fear. Skelly Bone Pete. Here it is in the landscape and sky. We've set it loose. We've opened up the ground and here it is. He took Interstate 45 south. He didn't want them to kill Leon. He felt a saturating sense of death, a dread in the soft filling of his bones, the suckable part, approaching Galveston now.”

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Book Keywords:

libra, autumn, jack-ruby, alienation, hysteria, modernity, skelly-bone-pete, don-delillo

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