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Megan Giddings

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I think men can be absolutely useless and a lot of people will find a way to say something nice about them. Especially white men. But a woman has to be something. If she’s not, you know, considered hot or the right amount of smart or good at cooking, people don’t see her. And if she’s too much of something, then many people hate her.”

“Sometimes, dreams are not omens. They’re just your brain stitching things together.”

“it’s the only way we can talk about the consequences of the past without feeling responsible for our present actions.”

“There are times in your life, Lena knew, where to think actively about what was happening in the moment, what had recently happened, would shatter everything.”

“The only dependable way to survive today is to put your faith in the power of other people wanting to give you money. Online fundraising. Corporations that still pretend to care what consumers think. They want to be able to say, See, look how benevolent we are, think about this instead of how we’re polluting the ocean and not paying our workers enough.”

“That path was filled with the thorns and snakes and loose gravel of life’s deep unfairness.”

“She suddenly understood the thought experiments better based on this feeling, the uncanniness of someone you love being able to abruptly articulate a single feeling. Friendship, family, and romance breed a telepathy that comes from kinship.”

“People want to believe these research studies are about something simple that they can relate to like winning a contest. They don’t want to think about why a government would want to experiment on its citizens. They do it because they can, I said. Because you don’t see us as people.”

“People feel more loyalty to how they think things should be than to other people, including their family.”

“If you think too much about how things should be, you forget how they are”

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Book Keywords:

family, horror, friendship, experiments, uncanny, predjudice, traditions, bond, experimentation, dehumanization, uncanniness, loyalty, kinship, romance, medical-experimentation, telepathy

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