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The Impossible Proof Of Knowing Nothing

Maria Karvouni

Top 10 Best Quotes

“The truth is the truth. It does not need proof. Only lies need proof. And fake one.”

“…Impossible to find truth. Not because nothing can be found… There are advanced systems of deceit & self-deceit… Any impossible solution is inadequate. Call it time travel, teleportation, mind-body reading, AI detection.”

“Wrong assumptions occur from limited knowledge. A person should have a complete view before shaping an opinion about someone or something…”

“Unless humanity invents a device that can expose all the information in the world, there can be no justice, because no human can be a reliable source. Every human can be manipulated trough money, deceit, threats.”

“They store your memories as proof of life lived, truth. But they erase true memories that render them guilty and plant false memories that render you guilty. An impossible proof that seems valid can never be valid this way.”

“They do not care about the truth. They care to fulfill their idea… They cover themselves and those they want to cover and enguilt their opponents. This is not fair. The system should change towards fairness not interests… No one can protect us from the lies.”

“Start believing in conspiracies, because those who have the power conspire, and they keep their power by having people not believing in conspiracies”

“People try to prevail their own truth. And they use evil means. They torture, they threaten. What they impose as truth keeps them in power, but it is fascistic. When the truth is a strategy or a pattern is not genuine truth.”

“Humans must be skeptics in order to find truth. Because there is always something that lies beneath…”

“Everyone is free to say whatever they want. Now believe the lies. The only fact reliable is that everyone is free to say whatever they want. Human beings are created in a way that the brain thinks silently.”

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Book Keywords:

historical-non-fiction, self-help, speculative-true-crime, literary-nonfiction, life-lessons, motivational, truth, nonfiction, wisdom, lies, history, revolution, creative-nonfiction, true-crime, philosophy, knowledge, speculative-nonfiction

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