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Saint Mazie

Jami Attenberg

Top 10 Best Quotes

“We all lose sometimes. Life’s plenty easy when you’re winning. It’s what you do when you’re down. That’s the real test.”

“There ain't nothing wrong with being alone, which is what I am, or what I have been. It's when it turns to loneliness, when you get to feeling blue about it all, that you're in trouble. There's the problem, loneliness.”

“I let the sun hit me. The sun’s some kind of gift. Another day we’re all alive. I wish she could understand. I’m just happy to be alive.”

“If someone loves you, go home to them.”

“His words are so slippery they might slide right off the page.”

“If you can't see the beauty in the dirt then I feel sorry for you. And if you can't see why these streets are special, then just go home already.”

“Everyone always thinks of ghosts as being invisible or like air but they take up so much space in a room, you’ve no idea.”

“there’s just so many goddamn things we never get to know. We’re not entitled to all the truth.”

“These people all woke up this morning and reminded themselves to be human beings. Not everyone knows how to do that. No vermin, my people. Real human beings.”

“Sometimes blessings are indiscriminate.”

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Book Keywords:

1920s, slide, matter-of-fact, human, prohibition, kindness, slip, new-york, words, page, slippery

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