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A Horse Named Sorrow

Trebor Healey

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I felt my heart crack slowly like a pomegranate, spilling its seeds.”

“The world is your oyster, they say, so fill it with pearls of semen.”

“The only good soul is a lost soul, and only a lost soul can find its way home.”

“If I were God, it’d be a whole different story, dropping fruit at will. Let them eat apples.”

“Love was actually more like calculus or physics. What was the half-life of love? Did it have cosigns and slopes, or quarks that morphed from wave to particle faster than you could say, please don’t leave?”

“How many of these children would one day be queer? How many would be felled by the acronym? How many by something else? How many would forget the circus? How many would never see it at all? How many would join?”

“Yellowdog, where does sorrow go?” He held his heart. “Lives here, in each of us.”

“Which made Lawrence what? – The Prince of Darkness himself? Or just another false prophet? What boyfriend wasn’t in the end?”

“Though it was the Young Men’s Christian Association, Paul of Tarsus had little to do with it. The showers were cruisy, and the sauna even more so.”

“Then he looked away, and there followed the nonchalant slow return – and me doing the same – and round in circles it goes: the timeless dance of the sugar plum faeries.”

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Book Keywords:

good-soul, children, boyfriend, love, apples, paul-of-tarsus, sugar-plum-faeries, lost-soul, queer, semen, circus, god, physics, sorrow, prince-of-darkness, calculus, heart, pomegranate, pearls, timeless-dance, oyster

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