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The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism
Ron Suskind
Top 10 Best Quotes
“When a precious secret is collected It tends to glow in the darkness. Placed in daylight, fitted along a wide landscape of fact, it often loses its brilliance.”
“You can actually herd cats. They can't be forced, of course. But if they sense something they want, if there enticed by something good, they'll follow, even in herds.”
“The government of the world's most powerful nation is running furiously in place.”
“Religions find lasting utility in terms of prescription or parameter, rules for the conduct of human affairs.”
“Push the needle into some middle range of guarded optimism.”
“Disequilibrium is often instigated by the will to power, a sleepless drive in the human personality to control others, to force them to do what one wants, or not to do what one opposes.”
“What can we do?" It's not dismissive or resigned. He really wants to know.”
“We are reformers in the spring, but iin autumn we stand by the old. Ralph Waldo Emerson”
“Those two great genies of wishful fulfillment – messianic fervor and technological power – have spotted each other. If they come together, the world, as it is now known, will no longer exist.”
“This is not an issue of geography. He IS of two worlds wherever he goes.”
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Book Keywords:
openness, pragmatism, discipleship, identity, gossip, motivation, realism, countenance, idealism, perspective, leadership, hope, maturation, cynicism, vision, ideology, righteousness, status-quo, fanaticism, servant-leadership, instigation, legalism, renewal, church-and-state, laziness, charisma, tone, culture, resilience, adaptive-leadership