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Reham Khan

Reham Khan

Top 10 Best Quotes

“It amazes me to this day to think about women in the workplace who spend more time trying to damage other women’s images or opportunities than they do on improving their own abilities.”

“I guess it is easy to confuse cowardly acts taken with confidence and brave acts taken with fear. You become brave by doing brave acts.”

“All men are bastards. Some are obvious bastards. Some are covert bastards. The ones who appear to be bastards are safer as you know what you are dealing with. The men who hide behind a facade of manners and politeness are the coldest of bastards’.”

“I thought that if people could lie about me, why would they not lie about issues where there was a lot more at stake?”

“There are two types of people that surround celebrities: sycophants and spongers. There was no place for a real person around Imran.”

“The second thing that tore at my heart was the sight of educated yet jobless Baluch youngsters addicted to drugs. The landscape changed non-stop, but the story of deprivation and misery remained the same throughout the belt. NA-260 (Quetta-cum-Chagai-cum-Mastung) was considered the largest electoral constituency of Pakistan, spread over 700 kilometres and bordering Iran and Afghanistan. It was not only an administrative impossibility to govern, but had the additional challenges of stretching from a Pashtun stronghold in Quetta into a mainly Baluch belt. Cross-border smuggling and infiltration was a huge additional complication.”

“In one of my travels, I would find a talented singer with real emotion in his raw voice, and would wonder how he had lived his simple life with this amazing hidden talent, while people far less talented than him sat in high castles and decided his fate.”

“I realized then that it is still possible for people who are successful to be genuinely nice people.”

“I learned that one should always listen to their own heart. There is no greater wisdom than what you know.”

“What men don’t realise is that you must tell your woman she is beautiful. She only wants to hear it from you, not from the rest of the world. Their words mean nothing to her. Your words pierce her heart. That’s how you won her and that’s how you will lose her.”

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Book Keywords:

beautiful, man, women, self-confidence, imran-khan, love, unemployment, workplace, fate, provocation, bravery, wisdom, lies, sycophants, simplicity, nice-people, balochistan, issues, bastard, jealousy

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