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I Have Some Questions For You
Rebecca Makkai
Top 10 Best Quotes
“The irony being: I was steeped in irony. I was the one whose entire attendance at Granby felt ironic. I was the one whose clothes and posters were ironic. Whereas they (I believed) sailed through life sincerely, with their layered haircuts and North Face and plaid miniskirts. So when I replied with “Oh my God, you too,” even though the girl in question was wearing her lacrosse uniform, I enjoyed the look of confusion, then the unsubtle roll of eyes Beth would share with Rachel.”
“It was the one where she walked around in her skin and her bones for the rest of her life but her body was never recovered. You know the one.”
“People would move on. Trump would say something dangerously idiotic any moment now, and everyone’s attention would turn.”
“How many times did I have to learn the same lesson? You’re not special. And that’s okay.”
“You’ve heard of her,” I say—a challenge, an assurance. Below me and above me and in the woods stretching thick and endless, their leaves made of sugar out of nothing but light.”
“You don’t have to have been friends with someone to be old friends with them later.”
“What happens when your only escape is the same thing you’re trying to escape? Here’s the soundtrack of your tragedy: Dance to it. 54”
“We hugged like old friends, because we were. You don’t have to have been friends with someone to be old friends with them later.”
“We get so used to twenty-four-year-old actors playing high school students, and we seem so mature in our own memories, that we forget actual teenagers have limited vocabularies, have bad posture and questionable hygiene, laugh too loud, don’t know how to dress for their body types, want chicken nuggets and macaroni for lunch. It’s easier to see the twelve-year-olds they just were than the twenty-year-olds they’ll soon be.”
“Walk into any place like you belong, and you will.”
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