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The Wisdom of Perversity
Rafael Yglesias
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Maybe becoming a monster is a sign of strength.”
“There’s nothing that makes an artist more beloved than the audience pitying him because his work comes at a price they would never pay.”
“You have to feed the press or they’ll eat you.”
“The world is chock-full of monsters.”
“Sooner or later everyone is defeated by their desires.”
“Percocet? Seriously?” Brian laughed bitterly. “That’s so nineties. He should at least update his addictions.”
“I’m willing to keep an open mind about the existence of God or whether or not Joye’s Ulysses is a great novel, but I have no doubt that one way or another child molesters are nurtured, not born.”
“For a while she had a vague longing to be a psychologist. “Talking therapy is dead,” Gary said when she raised the idea. “It’s all pills now.”
“You see, I’m not the hack. God is. And the Old Fart doesn’t know how to write a conclusion that’ll satisfy his audience. He leaves that to us, his lost children, doing his dirty work, inventing uplifting endings to erase his mistakes.”
“You could become anyone, including your real self.”
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Book Keywords:
monsters, addictions, child-molesters, press, pills, desires, monster, artist, real-self, god, existence, therapy, hack, ulysses, audience, psychologist, strength