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We Took to the Woods
Louise Dickinson Rich
Top 10 Best Quotes
“A house you can rebuild; a bridge you can restring; a washed-out road you can fill in. But there is nothing you can do about a tree but mourn.”
“You can think of a lot of things to make out of nothing, if you have to.”
“The three weapons to use against axe cuts are: (a) sense enough not to get cut, (b) a good working knowledge of how to apply a tourniquet, if the worst occurs, and (c) a philosophical attitude.”
“The thing to do, once you know you are lost, is to find a good, safe place to build a little fire, build it, fire three shots, light a cigarette, and sit down and wait.”
“I think the difficulty with people who can't follow printed directions for knitting or anything else is that they try to understand them. They read the whole thing through and it doesn't make sense to them, so they start with a defeatist attitude.”
“I don't have to point out, I'm sure, that letters received should be answered within a reasonable time- say a month; but there is such a thing as answering too promptly and writing too long a letter. It makes answering a burden to your correspondent, who will feel obligated to do at least as well as you have done, and will soon be heartily sick of the whole thing.”
“We've managed to make a good marriage. This I say with all humility. It's a marriage in which there is nothing that can be hurt by the roughest usage. It's a marriage that you can let yourself go in, a marriage in which you can put your feet up and relax.”
“The only way to know how much you love a thing is to see it in peril of being lost.”
“It's fun to take a pile of raw materials and make something out of them. The more demanding the work, the greater the satisfaction.”
“In spite of all that is said, and more especially written, about the crabbed New Englander, New Englanders, like all ordinary people, are nice. Their manner of proffering a favor is sometimes on the crusty side, but that is much more often diffidence than surliness.”
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Book Keywords:
hunters, relationships, thrift, woods, country-wisdom, creativity, penpal, the-woods, marriage-quotes, creativity-and-attitude, the-woodcutter, handmade, forest, maine-woods, new-england-wisdom, knitting-humor, creativity-quotes, maine, letter-writing, being-lost, letters, knitting, forest-fire, chopping-wood, country-life, correspondence, marriage, craft, lost-in-the-wilderness, new-england, self-reliance, common-sense