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We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe

Jorge Cham

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Mass is the property of objects that makes them resist changes in velocity. Simply”

“this is mathematical speculation by a bunch of overcaffeinated theorists.”

“A single gram of antiparticles combined with a gram of normal particles would release more than 40 kilotonnes of explosive force, which is more than twice as powerful as the atomic bombs dropped by the United States in WWII. A normal household raisin weighs about a gram, so a raisin plus anti-raisin combination would be a dehydrated weapon of mass fruitation.”

“biologists have been arguing for decades about the definition of “life” (the zombie-rights activists are a powerful lobby group),”

“Yes, those ten-billion-dollar twenty-seven-kilometer-long machines are good for more than just finding bosons named after Peter Higgs.”

“this is more in the category of late-night herb-inspired speculation than actual scientific prediction.”

“the entire universe contained in a single point, a singularity, where the mass is enormous, the volume zero, the density infinite, and the parking impossible.”

“if you are on a rocket moving close to the speed of light relative to Earth, then your speed through space is very high. So in order for your total speed through space-time relative to Earth to stay within the speed limit of the universe, your speed through time has to decrease—as measured by clocks on Earth.”

“if there were once more stars visible to us than there are today, what once-obvious facts are we missing because humans arrived nearly fourteen billion years after the party started?”

“Today’s philosophy questions are tomorrow’s precision science experiments.”

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Book Keywords:

humour, science

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