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Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest
Edward T. Welch
Top 10 Best Quotes
“When you erode the fear of death with the knowledge that you already died [in Christ], you will find yourself moving toward a simple, bold obedience.”
“Your future includes manna. It will come. There is no sense devising future scenarios now because God will do more than you anticipate.”
“Worriers are visionaries minus the optimism.”
“The ordinary is not good enough for us; our hubris wants something grandiose. But the ordinary done in obedience to Christ is beautiful, inspired, and oftentimes heroic.”
“I have a new philosophy. I only dread one day at a time. —Charlie Brown”
“others, and so on. And anything that is opposed to God in our lives is actually one of the many gods of the kingdom of earth. You will always be running scared if you worship other gods, because idols can’t deliver on their promises. In the Old Testament, the choice before”
“knew something about prayer, asked Jesus how to pray (Luke 11:1). Here is where prayer really”
“Yes, genuine pain and loss coexisted with the deliverance, but it did not have the last word. Its power to hurt him was weakened because he could see the bigger things God was doing in, for, and through him. You can probably find similar events in your life. Hard things persisted, there was no apparent deliverance, but, with closer inspection, you notice a deliverance that went much deeper. And these are eleventh-hour deliverances on this side of death and eternity. Imagine if you gradually developed the spiritual skill to see beyond the immediate moment and catch a glimpse of the glories to come. The basic outline is clear: if you have thrown your lot in with Jesus, everything he has is yours, even the kingdom itself. It would be impossible to ask for more. Those who imitate Abraham’s faith are always pushing the last minute farther out until it comes even after physical death. Such a person is fearless. A”
“Worry’s magnetic attraction can only be broken by a stronger attraction, and David is saying [in Psalm 27] we can only find that attraction in God Himself.”
“When you know that the kingdom is God’s alone (though he gives it to us), that is the only thing that can lead to peace and rest. Owners are the ones who do all the worrying; stewards simply listen to the owner’s desires and work to implement them. Owners are responsible for the outcome; stewards strive to be faithful.”
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Book Keywords:
obedience, fear-of-death, worry