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Token Black Girl

Danielle Prescod

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Apparently, it is too difficult for people—white people—to imagine themselves as embodied by a Black character, but Black children are forced to do the reverse constantly.”

“I oscillated between the complicated desire to be both visible (wanting to see myself and imagine who I could be) and invisible (in that there was no real difference between me and the people who surrounded me).”

“Who taught you to hate the color of your skin? . . . Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips? . . . Who taught you to hate the race that you belong to? . . . You should ask yourself who taught you to hate being what God made you. —”

“we never discussed race, Blackness, or identity explicitly, unless the outside world made it absolutely necessary.”

“was in distress. I had enjoyed being “the new girl.” I did not enjoy being “the Black girl.”

“using that kind of family terminology at work is emotional manipulation, simply a tactic of capitalism to get employees to feel guilty about having personal boundaries and taking days off.”

“there are many factors at work in our mental and social conditioning, and we must cultivate media landscapes that are more inclusive and that celebrate our racial, physical, and external differences frequently and with enthusiasm.”

“my father, a “nice-looking” but Black man, was thrown against the wall by NYPD in a mistaken-identity stop and frisk.”

“Women are taught that our bodies must be fixed and that, if given the power to do so, we should use it.”

“White supremacy works deliberately hard at convincing Black people that feelings are off limits to anyone not white.”

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