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The Way of Kings (1 of 5)
Brandon Sanderson
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Does the destination matter? Or is it the path we take?”
“Wrongness can be amusing. It keeps life interesting. If we were all right all the time, where would that leave us?”
“There was a certain power in that, a freedom. The freedom of not having to care.”
“Please, I promise not to respect you any longer!”
“Nearly as great as the road used to achieve it. We are not creatures of destinations. It is the journey that shapes us.”
“My father used to say that there are two kinds of people in the world. There are those who take lives. And there are those who save lives. I used to think he was wrong. I thought there was a third group. People who killed in order to save. I was a fool. There is a third group, a big one, but it isn't what I thought. The people who exist to be saved or to be killed. the group in the middle. The ones who can't do anything but die or be protected. The victims. That's all i am.”
“I will protect those who cannot protect themselves”
“I think something innate in us understands that seeking the good of society is usually best for the individual as well. Humankind is noble, when we give it the chance to be. That nobility is something that exists independent of any God's decree.”
“I have been brought up to show respect to ardentsl" "Well, I myself find that respect is like manure. Use it when needed, and growth will flourish, Spread it on too thick, and things just start to smell." His eyes twinkled. Had an ardent-just servant of the Alrighty-just spoke of manure?”
“I believe that my own morality is more sure and true than the morality of those who do right only because they fear retribution [from God].”
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Book Keywords:
path, humanity, humorous, freedom, humanity-and-society, morality, god, caring, life, power, road