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Revelation Space
Alastair Reynolds
Top 10 Best Quotes
“I think I've reduced the amount of blood in my caffeine system to an acceptable level.”
“It looked like a biology lesson for gods, or a snapshot of the kind of pornography which might be enjoyed by sentient planets.”
“I don't know." That was typical Sajaki; like all the genuinely clever people Sylveste had met he knew better than to feign understanding where none existed.”
“It's an ancient technique known as lying, Khouri.”
“The human capacity for grief. It just isn't capable of providing an adequate emotional response once the dead exceed a few dozen in number. And it doesn't just level off—it just gives up, resets itself to zero. Admit it. None of us feel a damn about these people.”
“Volyova felt as if her brain consisted of a room full of precocious schoolchildren: individually bright, and—if only they would pool themselves—capable of shattering insights. But some of those schoolchildren were not paying attention; they were staring dreamily out of the window, ignoring her protestations to focus on the present, because they found their own obsessions more intellectually attractive than the dull curriculum she was intent on dispensing.”
“You didn't weld it shut or anything like that?" "Yes, stupid me, I forgot.”
“The cards always look different when it's your turn to play them; loaded with subtly different possibilities.”
“I think I’ve reduced the amount of blood in my caffeine system to an acceptable level, if that’s what you mean.”
“Khouri had never really given much thought to the slowness of light. There was nothing in the universe that moved faster . . . but, as she now saw, it was glacial compared to the speed that would be needed to keep their love alive.”
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Book Keywords:
caffeine, cleverness, not-knowing, ignorance, people, knowledge-wisdom, grief, humor, coffee