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The Garden of Small Beginnings

Abbi Waxman

Top 10 Best Quotes

“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. —ANAÏS NIN”

“it’s like when you’re about to have your first baby—people tell you what it’s like, you’ve seen other people do it. How hard can it be? And then it happens, and the first three months are like Vietnam without the drugs. Grief”

“It is unclear to me what happened, but I am often confused by Americans, so let’s pretend everything is fine and go to look at the garden.”

“I wish I was one of those people who clean as they go, who are models of organization and clarity, but I'm just not. If I find myself with a piece of paper in my hand, and I'm unsure where to put it, I lay it down on the nearest surface and hope it folds itself into a paper plane and flies wherever it's supposed to go.”

“I just want to know what I'm crying about.”

“He looked at me thoughtfully, and smiled slowly, his green eyes warm. He smelled of the outdoors, he was so tall and broad shouldered and so ... male ... in this house of women he was shockingly different. All I could think of was how much I wanted to kiss him. I was clearly losing my mind.”

“The cornstalks act as supports for the climbing beans, the beans fix nitrogen in the soil for the corn and squash, and the squash provides mulch and root protection for the corn and beans. And then, just to make it all perfect, when you eat the corn and beans together, they form a complete protein.”

“Sometimes I worry that I’m self-obsessed, and then I worry that I’m thinking about myself too much.”

“Since when had my little kid turned into the Spanish Inquisition? Nobody expects that.”

“I was lounging in the kitchen, enjoying the small fermata between emptying the dishwasher and reloading it. It's a glamorous life.”

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Book Keywords:

companion, vegetables, planting, messy, paper, life-is-messy, relationships, falling-in-love, life-after-loss, humor, protein, supportive, domestic-life, motherhood, organization

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