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Lunch Poems

Frank O'Hara

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Leaf! you are so big! How can you change your color, then just fall! As if there were no such thing as integrity!”

“...but it is good to be several floors up in the dead of night wondering whether you are any good or not and the only decision you can make is that you did it...”

“… and I’ll be happy here and happy there, full of tea and tears”

“when I think of all the things I’ve been thinking of I feel insane”

“all I want is a room up there and you in it”

“the only thing to do is simply continue is that simple yes, it is simple because it is the only thing to do can you do it yes, you can because it is the only thing to do”

“The moon passes into clouds so hurt by the street lights of your glance oh my heart”

“willow trees, willow trees they remind me of Desdemona I'm so damned literary and at the same time the waters rushing past remind me of nothing”

“I’m so damned literary and at the same time the waters rushing past remind me of nothing I’m so damn empty”

“but to be part of the treetops and the blueness, invisible the iridescent darknesses beyond, silent, listening to the air becoming no air becoming air again”

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Book Keywords:

desdemona, steps, st-paul-and-all-that, bonjour-to-joan-and-jean-paul, yesterday-down-at-the-canal, othello, me-in-a-nutshell, poem, adieu-to-norman, shakespeare, on-the-way-to-san-remo, poetry, willow, three-airs

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