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The Rose Garden

Susanna Kearsley

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Whatever time we have," he said, "it will be time enough.”

“Ever try to hold a butterfly? It can't be done. You damage them," he said. 'As gentle as you try to be, you take the powder from their wings and they won't ever fly the same. It's kinder to let them go.”

“Tis never the place, but the people one shares it with who are the cause of our happiest memories.”

“Knowing that the battle will not end the way he wishes does not make it any less worthwhile the fight.”

“Life is always uncertain,'he said with a shrug. 'We cannot let the fear of what might happen stop us living as we choose.”

“When I meet a wind I cannot fight , I can do naught but set my sails to let it take me where it will.”

“The butterfly counts not months but moments, And has time enough.”

“The years might change our outer selves, but underneath it all we stayed the same, we kept our patterns ...”

“always best to think the worst of everyone, for that way you’ll be seldom disappointed.”

“I would argue ’tis never the place, but the people one shares it with who are the cause of our happiest memories. That is why we find that having lived them once, we never can recapture them.”

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Book Keywords:

happiness, inspirational

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