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Magic Hour

Kristin Hannah

Top 10 Best Quotes

“It was the Magic Hour, the moment in time when every leaf and blade of grass seemed to separate, when sunlight, burnished by the rain and softened by the coming night, gave the world an impossibly beautiful glow.”

“Girls like you can't understand," Julia said, and it was true. Ellie had been popular. She didn't know that some hurts were like a once-broken bone. In the right weather, they could ache for a lifetime.”

“She didn't know that some hurts were like a once-broken bone. In the right weather, they could ache for a lifetime.”

“Lately he'd been seen going out less and less, becoming that strangest of animals in a small town: a loner.”

“Alice started to cry. It came with no sound, no shuddering, no childlike hysterics, just a soul-deep release that turned into moisture and dripped down her puffy pink cheeks. She touched her tears, frowning. Then she looked up at Julia and whimpered two words before she fell asleep. ‘Real hurts.’”

“Love rips the shit out of you and puts you back together like a broken toy, with all kinds of cracks and edges. It's not about the falling in love. It's about the landing, the staying where you said you'd be and working to keep the love strong.”

“Rain Valley newcomers pretty much fell into two groups: people running away from something and people running away from everything.”

“What did she wish? She didn't know. When she thought about it, that was the problem with her life, now and always, she'd never known what to wish for until it was too late.”

“Lost is lost; it's when you want someone to hold you but there is no one who can. Lost is alone, even when people are all around you.”

“Life was impossibly fragile. If you were lucky enough to have a loving family, you had to hold onto them with infinite”

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Book Keywords:

tears, real-life, small-town-life, pain, small-town, life, popularity, hurt

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