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Letters of Sylvia Plath, Volume I: 1940-1956

Sylvia Plath

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I am but one more drop in the great sea of matter, defined, with the ability to realize my existence.”

“Well, I tried drowning, but that didn't work; somehow the urge to life, mere physical life, is damn strong, and I felt that I could swim forever straight out into the sea and sun and never be able to swallow more than a gulp or two of water and swim on. The body is amazingly stubborn when it comes to sacrificing itself to the annihilating directions of the mind.”

“Waiting for the right wonderful person is so much more important than getting the outer comforts of marriage at an early age.”

“I am sitting in my room, looking out at a scene of snow pouring down with ice and sleet and thinking of how sometimes people are really wonderful after all.”

“My biggest trouble is that people look at me and think that no serious trouble has ever troubled my little head. They seldom realize the chaos that seethes behind my exterior. As for the who Am I, what am I angle...that will preoccupy me till the day I die.”

“If I lived by the sea I would never be really sad. I get an immense sense of eternity and peace from the ocean. I can lose myself in staring at it hour after hour. --from a letter to Aurelia Plath, written c. July 1951”

“Even in the days I feel the worst, I feel glad to be alive. To be a part of this journey called life. To be one of the lucky 7 billion. Why was I chosen to be here? I must have a meaning, right? There's a big picture already painted of my life, my legacy, my happiness. I just have to trust in it.”

“But perhaps the most overlooked feature of her life was that she was human, and therefore fallible.”

“I know I’ll always think of you with something like hurt and nostalgia— — from a letter to Ann Davdiow-Goodman, written 1951”

“The body is amazingly stubborn when it comes to sacrificing itself to the annihilating directions of the mind.”

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Book Keywords:

trust, human, chaos, unsent-letter, thoughts, ocean, sea, peace, marriage, plath, happiness, existentialism, sadness, fallible, life, letters-of-sylvia-plath, purpose, letters, nostalgia, lucky

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