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The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave, and Successful Female Entrepreneur

Amber Hurdle

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Much to the confusion of small-minded people, confidence does not equate arrogance.”

“Do your best in the day, for the day, and then work on tomorrow when it comes. Show yourself grace and laugh at yourself.”

“Exceptional customer service proactively manages your brand and reactively can turn upset customers into raving fans based on how you handled their complaint.”

“Customer service has everything to do with consistency, systems, training, and the habits you and your team create.”

“Creating a company culture is the first operational step in becoming a bold, brave fempreneur. It creates certainty, a road map and stability.”

“Before you can decide on your brand fonts, colors or imagery, let alone your messaging, you need to know who you're trying to attract first.”

“Understanding who isn’t your ideal customer sometimes helps you better clarify who is.”

“Your mission statement, vision statement, core values, and service standards provide a clear focus for all while keeping your team humble and hungry. It creates that family environment in which your employees enjoy coming to work and dealing with the challenges they face each day.”

“Your mission statement outlines why your company exists. It doesn’t have to be all fancy-pants, just a clear statement of what you do.”

“Your ideal customer should be attracted to the brand that rests on the fabulous culture you created, but they don’t have to share your personal interests or have the same lifestyle you do.”

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Book Keywords:

success, mission-statement, life, customer-service, business-quotes, habits, logo, be-yourself, vision, do-your-best, leadership, business-advice, company-culture, branding, arrogance, individuality, business, employees, confidence, brand, systems, marketing, fitting-in, grace, training, motivational, inspirational, management, values, brand-management, consistency

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