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How to Be Everything: A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don't Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up

Emilie Wapnick

Top 10 Best Quotes

“What would your life be like if you gave yourself permission to be everything you wanted to be?”

“Multipotentialites tend to struggle with three main areas: work, productivity, and self-esteem.”

“Multipotentialites often invite too much variety into our lives by overbooking ourselves. We have an intense desire to learn and experience new things.”

“It was not only okay to be my weird self, leading with my uniqueness might actually be the key to my success.”

“You are not what you do. Changes don't have to shatter your sense of identity.”

“When you’re picking a project to pursue, try not to think of it as some massive commitment. Can you think of it as an exploration, as something you’re trying out? Approach your interests with a sense of curiosity and wonder, and remember to have fun!”

“The truth is that you aren’t lacking a destiny or purpose. There is a very good reason for your insatiable curiosity: you’re someone who’s going to shake things up, create something novel, solve complex, multidimensional problems, make people’s lives better in your own unique way. Whatever your destinies are, you can’t step into them while stifling your multipotentiality. You must embrace it and use it.”

“The more you allow yourself to explore, draw connections between different ideas, dream up big projects, and collaborate with others, the stronger your superpowers will become. You might even discover that you have a few more!”

“Sometimes you just need to find your people.”

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

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Book Keywords:

weirdness, success, multipotentialite, unique, generalist, renaissance-person, jack-of-all-trades, inspirational, purpose, identity, polymath, scanner, uniqueness, embrace-who-you-are, puttylike, destiny

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