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What to Say Next

Julie Buxbaum

Top 10 Best Quotes

“What if we all jumped out of our boxes and chewed up our stupid labels? Who would we discover?”

“The thing is, sometimes people grow from breaking.”

“They seem to understand that the world is a big, diverse place, and that different is not the same thing as scary. It’s amazing to me how many people mistake the two.”

“I think about my dad's favorite expression: People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. What is my house made of? Paper, I decide. Like in a pop-up book. Easily collapsible.”

“So you’re saying that on Friday night I have an equal chance of getting vomited on as I do of getting kissed?” “Welcome to high school,”

“There's a famous expression that if you've met one person with autism, then... you've met one person with autism. So you met me. Just me. Not a diagnosis. I realize I hurt you. I forgot to think about you first. I did not put myself in your shoes, as the expression goes. (Though as a sidebar, I think wearing other people's shoes is kind of disgusting; I'm only okay with the concept metaphorically.) So you know, you are all I think about.”

“I realize we all walk around pretending we have some control over our fate, because to recognize the truth--that no matter what we do, the bottom will fall out when we least expect it--is just too unbearable to live with.”

“Every happy moment from now on will have the lingering, bitter, heartbreaking aftertaste of loss.”

“And pretty,” my mom says. Pretty doesn’t fit Kit. It’s too small a word. Like her name. “Not pretty,” I correct her. “Beautiful.”

“And now that I've been exposed to this feeling, perfect mouth against perfect mouth, the natural order of things, I wonder why people don't kiss all day, every day. How does anything ever get done?”

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Book Keywords:

autism, labels, fate, kissing

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