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The Eye of the Beholder

Margie Orford

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You brought me back to life, she wrote him once. That sounds like a line from a sentimental Hollywood movie. Sorry, she wrote. Don't be, he returned. I like Hollywood movies, I am sentimental.”

“When she got there, she let the ashes drift through her fingers and settle on the veld. As she emptied the upended urn, it was as if she was emptying out herself.”

“When she got there, she let the ashes adrift through her fingers and settle on the veld. As she emptied the upended urn, it was as if she was emptying out herself.”

“When I started I believed that if I spent enough time in the presence of evil, I could absorb it, disperse it, stop the pain by making beauty out of the shattered remains. I was wrong. There was no healing, there's no end to the pain. It just has to be endured.”

“Those of us who survive live on as dark stars,' murmured Cora, 'We are invisible, but we collapse the light.”

“The messages were intimate, haiku-length compositions. None of them false, none of them true either.”

“Something that had been stolen from her - but whatever it was- hope maybe, or joy - it had been buried long before it could flower.”

“She felt light with the relief of putting the weight of responsibility for herself into the hands of another, and she mistook this unmooring for falling in love.”

“My mother...would sit for hours flicking through magazines, looking at photographs of smiling women with immaculate hair. She dreamed of a world without dust, a world of shining kitchens and canapé recipes, a world that wasn't the farm. I sat at her feet waiting for her.”

“It felt as if a huntsman had ripped out her heart and then pressed it back into the cavity, where it would never quite fit again.”

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Book Keywords:

beauty, ashes, empty, false, messages, invisible, joy, sentimental, hope, buried, survive, stolen, heart, evil, magazine, huntsman, responsibility, life, mother, stars, pain, urn, endure, healing, light, falling-in-love, true, dreamed, hollywood

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